Personal Responsiblity -Don’t Leave Home Without It!

We will be absolutely unable to learn what our life is trying to teach us without the vital strategy of taking personal responsibility. No lasting change in our lives can occur until we take personal responsibility for where we are right now. Until we take this position unequivocally, we will be tempted by victim-hood.

Being a victim is an alluring vessel for despair and anger because it is so easy to become one. Victim-hood also offers no rewards, no ultimate satisfaction, and it creates an inner life filled with anger, sorrow and resentment.

The victim is that part of us that likes to blame others and circumstances for our condition. Our victim is good at supporting blame and judgment with reason. As a victim, our focus is the outer world, while our inner world is the place where the real attention is needed. Taking personal responsibility for our lives, and all that happens in them, forces us to focus on this inner world. Working in this world we make the energetic shifts that can change our lives and the world around us into what we truly desire.

There is a vicious cycle associated with victim-hood. At each new occurrence of an old unpleasant pattern (sometimes in a different guise) our belief in our lack of power is reinforced by history. “Oh no, not again!” we say. The rut seems ever more real. Sometimes we feel despair, and the inability to function. The bad news and the good news are the same. We continue to attract the same difficulty until we take responsibility for what is happening. Strengthening our ability to take personal responsibility brings us into the arena of true change.

The ego is very clever at keeping us in the place of no change because change is the thing we usually fear the most. Often, we even prefer our current, familiar pain to the unknown. We find ourselves in a rut, living in and reacting to the same experiences over and over in the same way.

Once, during a channeling session I attended, the entity known as “The Tibetan,” Dwajl Khul, defined the rut in which we find ourselves as an “elongated grave.” Many of us experience our lives as a rut. We have fallen into the grave before our time. Personal responsibility is the track out of the rut and up onto the surface. With personal responsibility the walls of the grave disappear and the power of vision is restored.

Personal responsibility is picking up the reins, and taking charge of our lives; being the creator of a whole and unique self, our offering to the world. It is the axis of all personal and spiritual growth.

The saints exhort us to know ourselves, to discover our true nature; some say our divinity. Personal responsibility is a primary key for making this happen. Without it nothing ever changes; with it everything does. As we practice personal responsibility, we also discover how it is the foundation of authentic personal power.


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