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Awareness, Acceptance & Inner Peace

I was leaning into the future. As a result I had developed a headache. My blood pressure, no doubt, was up. Lost in my stories, I had lost my connection to my inner condition. Quite suddenly, I became aware of my state. I had obviously been unaware of this rising tension for at least an […]

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This is it!

The other night Babbie and I decided to sit out in the yard and watch a few planets as they lined up with the moon. It was a beautiful night, quiet and serene. Just as we settled into our comfortable chairs, a couple of neighborhood dogs started barking.

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What’s It All About?

In 1966 Michael Caine starred in the movie Alfie, a story about a cockney womanizer; a typical, unconscious, playboy type, living from woman to woman. His life gets complicated by his unconscious choices and, after a string of setbacks, he asks the question, “What’s it all about? You know what I mean?” It took him […]

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