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The Ego – Friend or Foe?

Our ego has caused so much trouble that, when we first encounter its manipulations, through awareness, it seems to beg the condemnation of a heretofore uncovered criminal enterprise. We might feel cheated or betrayed by our own pathology!

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The Waking Up Final Exam!

The word “exam” often brings terror to the hearts of anyone who is, or ever has been, a student. So I wasn’t surprised when my Waking Up study group members were nervous when we planned a potluck get together to celebrate the completion of our time together, and then I mentioned the exam.

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The Pause That Changes Everything

In the spiritual quest, one discovery often leads to another. For instance,  one of the most amazing discoveries that many people make while developing and exploring awareness is the pause that changes everything.  It is hard to believe that a small gesture, like the pause, can alter one’s life so dramatically, but this is definitely […]

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