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You Are The Only One Who Can Change the World

You are the only one who can change the world into a kinder, more compassionate, place. We have to change, one by one, and as more people change, the whole paradigm changes. You may be wondering, “if this is so simple why hasn’t it happened?” Because we keep giving away our power.

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Giving and Receiving Joy and Letting it Go

We might be worried about impermanence. Nothing like a little death and non-existence to stir up existential discomfort! And so it is with joy. We may try to hold onto the giving and the receiving of joy, but there is something about its usual impermanence without which joy would not be so poignant and sweet.

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Measuring Progress

People often wonder if they are making progress in their personal work and spiritual quest. Because we can, and often do, fool ourselves with denial, emotional disconnection, and objectivity, creating a true metric for progress can be difficult. One thing for sure, if we are feeling pride in our response rather than equanimity, we probably […]

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