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On the Road in the Kingdom of Materialism

Babbie and I are on a road trip through the Northwest. So far, we have driven more than 2,500 miles. In addition to the beauty we have seen all around us, it is hard not to be impressed by the visible success of the worship of materialism.

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That’s Just Me In Another Body

I don’t know about you, but I have spent so much of my life subtly, and not so subtly, judging others by action, appearance and manner. When we activate the Darshan, the act of connecting the eyes with heart, judgment is forced to drop away in order for us to enter the stream of love.

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Bigger Than the Moment

When we are in the thick of a challenging life story, like a death, a breakup, a business problem or an angry episode with our partner, it helps to remember that what is really happening is bigger than the moment.

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